Learn more about how career confidence coaching can help you build your dream life.
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Working with Britt was so unbelievably helpful in helping me realize what I truly wanted out of a career! She helped me to prioritize life goals, career goals and motherhood goals which ultimately steered me toward a better and more fulfilling career path. I’m so thankful for the insight and advice she gave me to help me realize what I truly wanted and needed from my job.
-Kelsey, RN and fitness coach

Britt is a career whisperer. After one discovery call, she pointed out and ARTICULATED (always tricky) strengths I had and identified with. She sent me jobs that were invigorating and aligned with my goals (some of which I didn't even realize how interested I'd be in until looking at them closer). I recommend her to anyone and everyone inclined to improve or make a change as a professional. She's a golden egg among career coaches: advocates for you, gives you all the right tools, and makes you feel understood. Thanks for pursuing this work, Britt!
-Kelsey, Communications Executive