Remember my amazing (if I do say so myself) photos from Paris?! Krystaltook them! She is living her dream life in PARIS and she is just the kindest gal. I am so honored to share Krytal’s story today!
Tell us a little about yourself and your career

I was born and raised in a small town called Pasadena Maryland, but I moved to Paris 6 years ago. My business as a photographer in Maryland was blossoming but I felt something was missing in my life and took a chance moving to a foreign country at 26 years old to pursue a career here. The first 1 years were extremely difficult but as I adjusted to life and culture things just seem to fall into place. I love living here now and even more I love my job. I get to work with so many wonderful people from around the world and share in their special experiences. I specialize in vacation portraits and events. I have worked with several celebrities and regularly for the American Ambassador to France.
How does your community of women you surround yourself with support you?
I have a fantastic community of women here. The thing I find so special about Paris is the fact that it attracts women who are driven, adventurous, and creative. I have made some of the best friendships here, and truly found a group of women who inspire me daily and I can share the best of times with. There are so many female entrepreneurs here and we support each other daily by sharing work, ideas, and even just conversation about how crazy life can be here sometimes. We help each other to laugh and relax.
What advice do have you for women who want to work internationally or far from home

The best advice I can give you, is don’t listen to others when they tell you it’s impossible. So many people told me I was crazy to come here and start all over again. If I would have listened, I would never have become the happy person I am today. Don’t allow others to project their fears onto you, they are not your fears! Listen to your heart always, and things will fall into place when you finally decide what you really want. (that’s the hard part)
What do you wish you could go back and tell your younger self re: your career aspirations?
I would tell that girl to stop caring so much about what other people think, and maybe to eat more vegetables haha! I would also tell her to believe in herself and that all the tears and troubles coming her way were going to be worth it!
What is your career-related mantra?

Keep your head up and your caffeine intake high haha… but in general I am always trying to find the good in people and life and using my energy to find creative solutions to all my career and life obstacles. Also I drink about 6 cups of coffee a day!